Online shop with NAV connection and website for Norwegian bookseller
New shop, customer accounts remain unchanged
Haugenbok commissioned the Norwegian Ibexa partner Keyteq with creating a new design and website. The ecommerce specialist acted as consultants for the relaunch of the online shop as well as the customer ERP linking. A particular challenge consisted in the smooth transfer of the existing customer accounts into the new shop as well as the integration of the large number of product data.
Complete package: Shop with ERP connection, CMS, workflows, personalisation
For the existing project, a modern design was created by the Norwegian agency Keyteq. The design and implementation of the CMS was undertaken by Keyteq and Ibexa.
For the shop components of the project, Haugenbok decided in favour of the powerful ecommerce solution Ibexa Commerce. The shop provides all the popular functions of a modern B2C shop and makes use of state-of-the-art technologies for the best possible user experience. The standard integration of CMS allows the shop and website to be comfortably co-maintained.
The shop possesses a link to the Visma ERP enabling the best possible integration of the company processes. The communication between the Ibexa platform and ERP ensues via a special interface. The customer data / ordering process is controlled using a workflow engine and BPMN workflows. The product data for the extensive product range is supplied via a Norwegian provider of book data. The electronic payment system was realised via the provider NET. The permissible payment options can be individually customised in the ERP.
The design was realised in keeping with modern criteria and is also responsive (i.e. suitable for all terminal devices). The look and feel is oriented to the optics of mobile applications. The foreground contains a lot of whitespace, images, icons and buttons.
In addition to books, also sells digital products. This process required linking to a third-party system for the rights management of the downloads. The bookseller's wide range of products is rounded off by a powerful search engine containing a large number of filtering and faceting options.
Haugenbok also integrated the recommendation engine Yoochoose in order to provide users with targeted book recommendations. The recommendations take into account each user’s onsite behavior, including what they search for, which pages they visit, the links they click, the books they buy and which books they leave in their shopping cart.
In the future, it is planned to expand the online shop into a multi-shop platform for dealers. The e-commerce platform already fulfils all the requirements in this regards, so that an expansion is possible at any time.
Smooth interaction of online shop and corporate processes
Following the completion of the project, now possesses a modern online shop containing all the comfort functions of an end customer shop. Ibexa Commerce combined with the Visma interface provides a seamless interaction between the web shop and the company processes. The powerful CMS System represents an optimal basis for the maintenance of a comprehensive website.